Coding a classic MS-DOS fire demo in 256 bytes

After messing around with x86 Assembly for the B-17 data decompressor, I had the desire to code one of those classic fire demos - like the PSX Doom fire effect[archive].
Many years ago, when learning to program, I followed a series of tutorials, in .TXT format, to write one, the tutorials were for x86 Assembly but I coded mine in C with Allegro. Now I have come full circle I guess.

Making a palette

First and most important to a good looking fire effect is the palette.
Instead of copying an existing one, I figured mine procedurally. First I grabbed a random fire photo from google.
Next I converted this image to 256 colours indexed format, and sorted the colours by luminance, in Aseprite.

I then exported the palette, to .PAL format, which looks like this:
0 0 0
8 8 0
8 8 24
8 8 32
16 12 16
16 20 16
16 24 24
16 24 32
41 16 8
41 16 24
32 24 24
41 28 24
41 32 24
65 16 32

Those values were then passed through a polynomial regression, to create functions from X=[colour index] to Y=[R,G,B].

Thus the palette can be encoded in a very efficient format.

Skeleton of a mode 13h demo

This is the bare skeleton of a mode 13h .COM MS-DOS program.
The only noteworthy bit is allocating an extra segment to hold the double buffer in RAM. There are safe methods with error checking to allocate as much memory is necessary in a COM program, however in a 256-byte demo we just assume at least another 64k are available.
use16 segment code org 100h ;Find a seg 64k above our own mov bp,cs lea ax,[bp+4096] mov es,ax ;Enter mode 13h mov ax,13h int 10h ;Prepare to palette upload mov dx,3C8h xor al,al out dx,al xor ebx,ebx .colloop: .rgbloop: ;Calculate a R,G,B component in DX mov dx,3C9h out dx,al ;Upload colour component to VGA ;Repeat 3 times... ;[...] ;Repeat 256 times... ;[...] .frame: ;Do something to update the frame buffer here ;[...] ;Transfer double buffer segment to VGA memory push 0xA000 pop es ;ES=VGA xor si,si xor di,di mov cx,320*200 cld rep movsb push ds pop es ;ES=double buffer ;Check for keypress mov ah,0Bh int 21h or al,al jz .frame die: ;Restore text mode mov ax,03h int 10h ;Quit ret
use16 segment code org 100h ;Find a seg 64k above our own mov bp,cs lea ax,[bp+4096] mov es,ax ;Enter mode 13h mov ax,13h int 10h ;Prepare to palette upload mov dx,3C8h xor al,al out dx,al xor ebx,ebx .colloop: .rgbloop: ;Calculate a R,G,B component in DX mov dx,3C9h out dx,al ;Upload colour component to VGA ;Repeat 3 times... ;[...] ;Repeat 256 times... ;[...] .frame: ;Do something to update the frame buffer here ;[...] ;Transfer double buffer segment to VGA memory push 0xA000 pop es ;ES=VGA xor si,si xor di,di mov cx,320*200 cld rep movsb push ds pop es ;ES=double buffer ;Check for keypress mov ah,0Bh int 21h or al,al jz .frame die: ;Restore text mode mov ax,03h int 10h ;Quit ret

Running fixed point polynomials

Actually generating the palette is very simple, it is done in 32bit fixed point with 15bits fractional part. More than 15bits would cause overflow.
It can also be done in 16bits fixed point with 11bits fractional part but then the hotter colours look much duller.
The coefficients are stored as such:
fracbits: equ 15 ;[...] palCoeffs: ; ;A B C dd -31,15116, 72876 ;R dd 27, 103, 251127 ;G dd 28, -2835, 291624 ;B palCoeffsEnd:
fracbits: equ 15 ;[...] palCoeffs: ; ;A B C dd -31,15116, 72876 ;R dd 27, 103, 251127 ;G dd 28, -2835, 291624 ;B palCoeffsEnd:
And then the full loop is as follows: xor ebx,ebx .colloop: mov si,palCoeffs ;Move SI to A for Red inc ebx .rgbloop: ;Calc A*x² mov eax,ebx ;Load X imul ebx ;Calc X^2 imul dword [si] ;Calc A*X^2 push eax ;Push result ;Calc B*x mov eax,ebx ;Load X imul dword [si+4] ;Calc B*X ;Calc A*x²+B*x+C add eax,dword [si+8];Add C pop ecx add eax, ecx ;Add A*X^2 shr eax,fracbits ;Discard fractional part of fixed point add si,12 ;Move SI to next A coeff mov dx,3C9h out dx,al ;Upload colour component to VGA cmp si,palCoeffsEnd ;If all coeffs were used then this colour is done jb .rgbloop or bh,bh jz .colloop
xor ebx,ebx .colloop: mov si,palCoeffs ;Move SI to A for Red inc ebx .rgbloop: ;Calc A*x² mov eax,ebx ;Load X imul ebx ;Calc X^2 imul dword [si] ;Calc A*X^2 push eax ;Push result ;Calc B*x mov eax,ebx ;Load X imul dword [si+4] ;Calc B*X ;Calc A*x²+B*x+C add eax,dword [si+8];Add C pop ecx add eax, ecx ;Add A*X^2 shr eax,fracbits ;Discard fractional part of fixed point add si,12 ;Move SI to next A coeff mov dx,3C9h out dx,al ;Upload colour component to VGA cmp si,palCoeffsEnd ;If all coeffs were used then this colour is done jb .rgbloop or bh,bh jz .colloop

Random number generation

The procedural fire effect requires random numbers in a few different places.
One of the simplest and most compact Random Number Generators is the Lehmer RNG.
I picked the coefficient from "TABLES OF LINEAR CONGRUENTIAL GENERATORS OF DIFFERENT SIZES AND GOOD LATTICE STRUCTURE", an article with tables of several possible ones.
Note how I use the segment override, this is because in the rest of the code DS is often pointing to the double buffer.
randomByte: ;RNG subroutine of Lehmer kind mov eax,851723965 mul dword [cs:rng] mov [cs:rng],eax shr eax,24 ret rng: dd 1
randomByte: ;RNG subroutine of Lehmer kind mov eax,851723965 mul dword [cs:rng] mov [cs:rng],eax shr eax,24 ret rng: dd 1

The actual fire effect

The meat of the fire effect is very simple.
The fire is seeded by a line of "ambers", metaphorically and algorithmically, that is a line of random bright pixels: ;Fill an invisible line below the screen with random values 128...255 mov di,320*200 push di mov cx,320 .fill: call randomByte or al,1<<7 stosb loop .fill
;Fill an invisible line below the screen with random values 128...255 mov di,320*200 push di mov cx,320 .fill: call randomByte or al,1<<7 stosb loop .fill
Then, for every pixel in the screen; move it up, and cool it a bit. The full algorithm is described in Fabien Sanglard's PSX Doom fire effect page[archive].

xor di,di pop cx ;CX=320*200 .pixel: ;Update pixels in a "random" order add di,51051 cmp di,320*200 jnb .pixel ;Find address of a pixel a line below, and maybe 1 pixel to either side call randomByte mov dl,3 mul dl shr ax,8 lea si,[di+319] add si,ax ;Get pixel, cool it down by a random value call randomByte mov dl,al lodsb and dx,15 sub dx,4 sub ax,dx jns .notneg xor al,al .notneg: ;Store new pixel stosb loop .pixel
xor di,di pop cx ;CX=320*200 .pixel: ;Update pixels in a "random" order add di,51051 cmp di,320*200 jnb .pixel ;Find address of a pixel a line below, and maybe 1 pixel to either side call randomByte mov dl,3 mul dl shr ax,8 lea si,[di+319] add si,ax ;Get pixel, cool it down by a random value call randomByte mov dl,al lodsb and dx,15 sub dx,4 sub ax,dx jns .notneg xor al,al .notneg: ;Store new pixel stosb loop .pixel

I will only add that the order of pixel updates matters a lot. If one removes the bit which adds 51051 (3 × 11 × 7 × 13 × 17 = coprime both to 320 and to 200), the result is a very patterned, unnatural fire:

The result

The final result is 234 bytes - under the 256 byte target - and even 2152 bytes less than the source code.
The GIFs dont do it justice - you can download source and COM file here: